Sunday, August 14, 2011

. Archi.tec.ture .

. A R C H I T E C T U R E .

What is Architecture?
For me, Architecture is something that is subjective and abstract. Architecture can be defined in many ways such as construction of buildings, design of buildings, physical structures, the aesthetic value, and many more.

Why do i say that?
Generally, we understand that architecture is a combination of Art and Science. 

Why Art and Science?
Both the artist and the scientist strove for the mastery of the physical world. The two fields of study that may be call scientific: anatomy, which made possible a more accurate representation of the human body, and mathematical perspective. Perspective in painting is the rendering on a two-dimensional surface of the illusion of three-dimensions.

Science and Art are closely connected, Art and architecture do actually go hand in hand because the truth is that architecture requires as much of aesthetics and designing sense.

Basically, a good building should be satisfy this three principle which is durability,where it should stand up robustly and remain in good condition. Utility,where it should be useful and function well for the people to using it and lastly the beauty, where it should delight people and raise their spirits.

My understanding of the architecture is, it has to do with designing, planning, constructing form, space and ambiance that reflect functional and technical. Also, must be considerate with the environmental, the important element such as light and shadow, material, technical specification and the structural. And the architecture itself that it must be something that can be build.

This is just from my point of view and there is a lot of things that i still need to learn in this field, more update to come.. insyaAllah.

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